The Board of Directors of the Pampa Youth and Community Center is nearing the goal of $8.4 million in its quest to renovate the 64-year-old “Icon” in Pampa.
The facility welcomes 83,000 plus visitors annually and many citizens utilize the Center for free. Senior citizens may use the indoor walking track for free. PISD uses the indoor tennis courts and the indoor pool at no charge each year. Many Pampa students are eligible for free memberships. PYCC is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of providing as many services as possible to the community and make just enough money to “keep the lights on.”
Generous citizens, local and statewide foundations, and local businesses have stepped up to contribute and commit $8,100,000 for this project that will allow our community to enjoy this Quality-of-Life institution another 7 or 8 decades.
“Our utilities have jumped to nearly unaffordable costs. In 2023, our gas and electricity bills exceeded $81,000. Continual costs for replacement of HVAC, plumbing, pool equipment, and other maintenance issue are an ongoing problem.” said Jimmy Hicks, director of PYCC. “We are planning to have a competition pool with spectator seating and adequate space for swim meets, bringing a bit of sports tourism to Pampa.”
The Fund has received $2million of the $8.4million in Challenge Grants which means PYCC must have total commitments of $8.4 million received or committed by October 2024. “If we do not have those commitments by October, those challenge grants go away. We cannot make this project a reality without those Challenge Grants.” Said Board President Dr Jay Johnson. “We are in a bit of a desperate situation. fI we cannot come up with just under $300,000, this project, which is so close, might fade into the sunset.” he added.
If the citizens of Pampa know of foundations, philanthropists or anyway to “legally” come up with $300k before October 2024, let Dr Johnson or Jimmy Hicks know your suggestions and ideas.
History: PYCC was founded in 1954. The original building was completed in 1960. The founders were a group offarsighted civic leaders. In their founding documents, a stated goal was to “combat juvenile delinquency”. PYCC offers free memberships to eligible students. Senior citizens utilize the walking track at no charge. Pampa High Schooltennis and swim teams use the pool, indoor tennis courts and other parts of the facility without charge.
Help and support: Pampa Youth and Community Center needs your support and advice for fund raising. PYCC is a nonprofit 501-c-3 organization with a low fee structure allowing access for citizens of Pampa and the surrounding area. PYCC has no meanst ogenerate income for a project of this scope. Currently this project has firm commitments of $8.1million with a goal of $8.4 to $9 million to complete this project.
Problems toresolve: PYCC building is 64 years old and is approaching the end of its useful life. Gas and electric bills for 2023 were $81,588. [Built when energy efficiency was not available or even a major consideration.] The precast concrete ceiling/roof over theindoor pool is spalling; rebar is exposed and rusting. Engineers have said this will eventually lead to failure and potential collapse. The pool was built for recreation, but swim meets are held in an extremely inadequate space. 2023 brought over 83,000 visits to PYCC and revealed our capacity issues during peak hours. Gang showers need to be replaced. PYCC plans to offer more activities for students. Pool tables and ping pong tables are not as popular as they were 64 years ago. Rock climbing, video and arcade games will be available in this new area. The new design will make the facility more efficient, with one main entrance and require fewer emplovees to operate and maintain.
Current Offerings: Basketball courts, racquetball courts, indoortennis courts, pickle ball, indoor walking track, indoor Jr Olympic swimming pool with water aerobics, swim lessons and lifeguard certification for the Pampa area, free weights, weight machines, stationary bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines, rowing machines, spin bikes with spin classes, Cornhole tournaments, High Intensity Interval Training, Crossfit, yoga, hot tubs, restrooms, saunas, showers, dressing areas and lockers.
Conclusion: The two large metal building are in goodshape and will require minimal repair. The new plans will permit PYCC to remain open during construction. The new design will bring more citizens to use the facility. This design will allow the pool to be used for swim meets and promote sports tourism in Pampa. BUT the BIG consideration is that currently PYCC has firm commitments for $8.1million and may never have this opportunity again. Plus, construction costs will never be less. The center is not dependent on any tax dollars.
Please consider supporting this “Quality of Life” issue for Pampa. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. [806-662-6515] Jay Johnson DDS