A Study in the Word – Isaiah 4:2-6


The previous article noted the terribly sinful condition of Judah’s people who were awaiting God’s judgment. 

I raised then the question: “Where can they turn?” In 4:2-6, Isaiah supplied God’s answer: the “Righteous Branch” (See also chapters 7-12). As the Branch, He belongs to the “family tree” of David and the Lord. The last days will see the redemption of the Lord in the person of His “Righteous Branch” (4:2; see also chapter 11)). 

When other mentions of the Branch in the Old Testament are considered, it becomes clear that the figure is a synonym for the Messiah (Jer. 23:5, 33:15, Zech. 3:8, 6:12). Isaiah mentions him in terms of beauty, glory, and the right kind of pride that will adorn Israel in godliness. 

The coming of the Branch will provide blessings in beauty and abundance for God’s faithful. He will create a remnant of the faithful marked by holiness (4:3). Holiness is such a large word in meaning and application that it almost defies a verbal definition. A personal definition, however, is available. I understand holiness to be “that predominant quality of purity and consecration in the nature of God that He willingly and compellingly offers to His faithful people.” 

God wants His people to be holy - in fact, He commands it. Just as with God, so also with His faithful: holiness of character leads to holiness of conduct (in that order). Since according to Isaiah Yahweh is the Holy One of Israel, the people of the Lord will become the holy ones whose God is the Lord, the “survivors” that comprise true Israel (4:2). He will judge sin through the Branch (4:4). Then, just as He protected Israel in the wilderness, He will protect those who are faithful to Him (4:5-6). Sinful Judah can turn in repentance and faith to the Righteous Branch and receive His promised blessings.

Dr. David Moore is a Baptist preacher in Pampa and an online instructor in Bible and theology for Taylor University and Nations University. Email: dm5867se@outlook.com