Altrusa International of Pampa Club News


Altrusa International of Pampa, Texas, Inc. met May 11, 2021 at the Pampa Chamber of Commerce with Sheila Winton, president, presiding.

The passing of Emeritus Altrusan, Marian Stroup, was announced. Marian became a member of Altrusa in 1968 and served as president in 1978-1979.

The Accent was presented by Maxine Watson who reviewed the duties of board members. She cited the qualities each board member should possess in order to have an effective board. The newly elected Altrusa board will be installed at the meeting on May 25, 2021.

Awards received at the recent Altrusa District Nine Conference were as follows:

Letha Brown Literacy Award – 1st place – Lunch with Dignitaries

Edith Debusk Presidents Award – 1st place – Brenda Tucker – Immediate Past President

Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award – 3rd place - Coupons for the Military Project

The club also received an International Foundation Grant of $2,000 for the PAWS project.

The club voted to reduce the program meetings to eight meetings a year. The new club year will begin in June.

Delegates to International  Convention in Charlotte, NC, July 28-31 were elected as follows: Kadda Schale, Shawna Elliott, Sheila Winton and Maxine Watson


PHS Awards Assembly – May 17, 2021, 10:30 a.m. PHS Field House

Program Meeting – May 25, 2021, 6 p.m. Pampa Chamber of Commerce

Board Meeting – June 1, 2021, noon – Pampa Chamber of Commerce

The following members were recognized for having May birthdays: Virginia Fessenden, Chelsie Underwood, Jennifer Richards, and Pat Johnson

The next meeting will be held May 25, 2021, at Pampa Chamber of Commerce, 6 p.m. Officers for 2021-2022 will be installed.