Break Your Food Routine


Passion Week is here once again, the week that every Christian dreads and yearns for. The dreading is rooted in facing the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice within our heart, mind and spirit once again. We may experience that each time we partake of communion, but somehow, not to the depth of Passion Week. The yearning springs from the anticipation of joy and celebration that only Resurrection Sunday can bring, the day that closes the door of Passion Week.

As a follower of Christ, would you be interested in increasing your experience of Passion Week? Of deepening your walk through the next few days? If so, I have two suggestions.

First, watch The Passion Of The Christ. Nothing will enrich the next few days like this. Let me say a word to those believers who say, “I just can’t watch that again.” Concerning the Lord’s Supper, Jesus told us, “Do this in remembrance of me.” How deep did Jesus want our “remembrance” to be? I propose that a viewing of The Passion Of The Christ will help replenish our memory and appreciation of His sacrifice. Surely if He could endure all of the suffering, His followers can watch an imitation of the real thing, in an effort to increase our appreciation.

Second, “break your food routine.” Every person has a daily meal routine. My suggestion is this: beginning Thursday evening of Passion Week, choose to change that routine so that you can draw even closer to Jesus’ sacrifice for your sins. If you are physically able, choose not to eat from Thursday evening through Sunday morning, then celebrate His resurrection with a meal on Sunday. If you have a medical condition that won’t allow you to do without food for that entire time, then somehow break your routine: eat every other meal, eliminate particular foods during those hours, etc. Breaking your food routine will increase your focus on the WHY you are doing without.

These two suggestions bless my Passion Week every year. My prayer for you is that they will do the same for your experience of Passion Week. IMHO, Passion Week is the grandest 7 days of every year for followers of Christ. It contains both Christ’s Sacrifice for our sins and His Victory over Satan. Passion Week is the climax of God’s scheme of redemption, His plan to save us from the penalty of our sins, so that we can live with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for all eternity in the place that has been prepared for us. God bless.