Construction on passing lanes for US 60 in Gray County set to begin this week


PAMPA – Work to upgrade US 60 in Gray County into a Super-2 highway was set to begin Tuesday, March 1. The roadway will be widened to add passing lanes, allowing faster vehicles to pass. The passing lane typically alternates from one direction of travel to the other within a section of roadway, which allows periodic passing opportunities in both directions in a safe manner. The transitions at the beginning and end of the passing lane allow provide enough room for the diverging and merging traffic.

The project will span 12.9 miles from Tignor Street in Pampa to the Roberts County line. It also will include drainage extensions, signs, and pavement markings.

Work will begin in town, starting on the eastbound side of US 60 at Rodeo Drive by the ballpark, with peeling off the existing shoulder, cutting roadway edges and other work necessary to prepare the roadway for widening. The biggest impact on drivers will be narrowing of the lines.

R.K. Hall, LLC is the contractor on this $14.7 million project, which also includes widening US 60 from Tignor Street in Pampa to Loop 171. This will allow the addition of a continuous turn lane, overlay, an safety treatment upgrades.

The estimated completion date for this project is Fall of 2023.