“Intersect Power, Xcel and ProMan donated over $16,000 this year for equipment, supplies and scholarships for The Well’s 55 summer programs. In addition to its annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) camps, The Well has launched a new set of offerings including Culinary Skills, Sports Camps, Music Theatre (The Lion King!), Needlework and Spanish Language-Learning.
All of these programs- developed for k-12 students in Pampa and the surrounding area - are aimed at getting students out of the house, giving them an alternative to “screen time”, and keeping them engaged with the real world. “We want Pampa to be an awesome place to have a family and raise kids. Having a wide variety of positive, relational and meaningful activities during those ‘dog days of summer’ is just one way we’re trying to make that happen, ” explained Paul Rayburn, executive director of The Well.
The Well has always offered programs at a reasonable price in hopes of attracting as many students as possible, even offering scholarships for those students who would otherwise be unable to participate. “We are so incredibly thankful for these local businesses who share our vision for our community. Without their financial support, there’s just no way we could offer high-quality programs at an affordable cost, especially in the current economy,” said Rayburn. “And these folks who are supporting us really do love our community. We don’t always think of corporations in that way, but the individuals I’ve had the pleasure of working with from Xcel, Intersect Power and ProMan are genuinely excited to give and be a part of good things happening for our kids and families. They are truly an encouragement to me and my staff.”
There are still 3 weeks of summer camps remaining for students in a wide range of grade-levels. These include robotics, chess, baseball, engineering, spanish, art and more. You can find all of the details and register online by visiting thewellpampa.org/summer2024. Or, you can call 806-486-1971 if you have questions about scholarship opportunities or would like to register over the phone.”