Just a thought: Being present in the here and now


Are you present in the life you live? Or are you somewhere else? Are you living in the past? The future? Are you showing up for life? Life has no dress rehearsal. Life is here now and then it is gone.

Sometimes I think we miss out on life because it moves too quick. We are chasing something we can never really catch. We let anticipation of tomorrow keep us from accomplishing what we need to today. We worry about something that may happen on the road ahead. It robs us of today.

Sometimes we spend too much time dwelling on something that occurred in our past. We use the past as an excuse for not accomplishing something that needs doing today. We play the victim role claiming it is not our fault. We waste time on things in our past that are now unchangeable. It robs us of today.

Life can also be too full of distractions. We get caught up in the trivial and we lose the focus we need to be present today.

Modern technology can be a hindrance to being present. We are physically in one location, yet our mind is another place because we are “connected” to our cell phone or the internet. We seek to multitask.

Living life in the present can be a difficult task.

Several years ago I attended a two day conference with a great theme, “Be Present.” In the handout materials there was a writing about the importance of being present. I will share with you some of the unnamed author’s thoughts from the article:

Has the chaos of your to-do list distracted you from what matters most? When was the last time you slowed down enough to hear the still, small voice of your Creator? When was the last time you really listened to your children, your spouse, your friends, your co-workers? Busyness is a poor excuse.

Being present means wherever you are, you are all there. Being present is about focusing on and embracing the now...not just passing through the moment to get to the next one, but asking how you can be useful now.

Being present means when in a conversation with someone, you look them in the eyes and listen. You are not looking over their shoulder to see who else is there. Engage.

Being present means when you are physically at home, you don’t leave your mind at the office. Your spouse and your kids need you.

Being present means you are aware of and actively supporting the dreams of your colleagues.

Being present means seeking solitude and silence in the midst of chaos.

Being present means digging in. Having presence in a particular place. Being connected to an address, a neighborhood, a city, a zip code.

Being present means being involved in community. Existing in your community and not always trying to “create” community. Serving the needs that are there. Eating at your neighbor’s table. Knowing their kids’ names.

Being present means moving against the current. Being willing to confront things you disagree with and say things that are not popular.

Being present means being deeply rooted....not being anxious, overbearing, or sporadic.

Being present means being vulnerable in relationships. Knowing and being known. Presence demands the risk of relationship...being available to those around you and casting self aside to focus on their needs.

Being present means investing in future leaders now and understanding the next generation. It is as much about looking forward as it is turning around and looking back.

Being present is more than just attending an event. It’s more than just showing up. It’s immersing yourself in the moment.

The author quoted 1 Corinthians 7:17 from The Message Bible translation, “And don’t be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God’s place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there.”

What has God called you to now? Who has he put in front of you? Stop waiting for tomorrow, and start focusing on right now. Your community needs you. God has called you to your current place of influence. Be rooted there. Change the conversation.

Put away your electronic gadgets and be present!

Wherever you are, be right there. If so, your presence will change the world.

My challenge to you today is to live each moment in the present. It is the only moment you can live. Your best day should be today; it is the only day you can live. Don’t let the past or future rob you of today. Don’t let distractions keep you from living in the present.

Does your presence matter? I hope it does.

We must show up, be in the moment, and make a difference. God has something significant for you TODAY. Be intentional. Be focused. Be undivided.

Live a life of being present.

Just a thought...

Rick Kraft is a motivational speaker, a syndicated columnist, a published author, and an attorney. To submit comments, contributions, or ideas, e-mail to rkraft@kraftlawfirm.org or write to P.O. Box 850, Roswell, New Mexico, 88202 - 0850.