Pampa ISD Board of Directors meeting to be held Wednesday

Official hiring of Hugh Piatt as Superintendent on the agenda.


A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Pampa Independent School District will be held Sept. 1, 2021, beginning at 5:45 p.m. in the Pampa ISD Administration Building, 1233 N. Hobart Street.

The following items are on the consent agenda:

• Consideration and action to approve a Joint Election Agreement with Roberts County regarding the November 2, 2021 election

• Consideration and action to approve contracts with Engage2Learn for staff instructional coaching services, and access to on-line eSuite program

• Consideration and action to approve financial signature cards

The following items are in the personnel portion of the meeting:

• Consideration and action to employ Hugh Piatt as the Pampa ISD Superintendent

• Consideration and action to approve Superintendent contract and compensation package

• Consideration and action to employ interim principal for Pampa High School