Sarah Hollis ready to serve veterans as new Veteran Services Officer


Sarah Hollis was sworn in as the Veteran Services Officer by the Gray County Commissioners Court on Sept. 1 earlier this year.

The Veterans Service Office, which is housed at the VFW located at 105 S. Cuyler, is a pivotal position within the veteran community.

“I am here to help the veterans get the assistance they need,” Hollis said. “As they get older, they may need more help getting home health items such as grab rails, scooters, ramps, etc. Sometimes they need help dealing with the VA (Veterans Affairs) or get the process started for what they need.”

Hollis, who served in the Army from 1988-90, said the position is often occupied by a veteran because they usually understand the inner workings of the military better than a civilian who hasn’t served would. 

“You might have better connections and understand the military lingo more,” Hollis said.

The benefits veterans are entitled to continue to grow every day, it’s sometimes just a matter of going to Hollis if you have a problem or are unsure about the benefits.

“I get e-mails daily of new stuff coming up and we stay informed,” Hollis said. “There’s a lot of things you are entitled to whether you have just gotten out or served the last 20 years.”

Some of these benefits include service-connected disability and even more related to Agent Orange.

“If the medical records show (service-connected disability) they may be related, the benefits may cover medical supplies for those disabilities,” Hollis said. “Veterans who served in Vietnam were just glad to be home and just didn’t know the effects of Agent Orange. But more and more things are being recognized as to being related to Agent Orange.”

Hollis’ office doesn’t have set hours, but she tries to be available Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. But, appointments are always available, just call the office at 806-669-1102.

Ultimately, Hollis is just a veteran looking to serve other veterans.

“I try my best to help our veterans and help them get the benefits they are due,” Hollis said. “The main thing for me is our veterans are honored.”