Supporting sin just as bad as sinning


Fact #1 - If you live in America, you are very aware of the avalanche of support that homosexuals and lesbians have received over the past 25 years.

A quarter century ago only 25 percent of Americans “approved” of homosexual/lesbian relationships. Now, according to both Gallup and Pew Research, 65 percent of Americans “support” the marriage of homosexuals and lesbians (who comprise only 4 percent of the US population), 30 percent “do not support” it; five percent undecided.

Fact #2 – The latest polling data on the issue of “abortion” reveals that 46 percent of voting age Americans identify themselves as “pro-choice”, aka pro-abortion; 49 percent are pro-life; 5 percent undecided.

Fact #3 – 75 percent of Americans identify themselves as “Christian.”

Fact #4 – Expected voting age population in America for 2020 election is about 300 million.

Summary of the facts concerning the issue of homosexual/lesbian marriage.

 1- 225 million voting age Americans identify as “Christian.”

 2- 90 million voting age Americans “do not support” homosexual/lesbian marriage.

 3- 195 million voting age Americans “support” homosexual/lesbian marriage.

 4- Even if the 90 million who do not support homosexual/lesbian marriage were all “Christians” (which is not be the case) that would mean that at the very least 135 million voting age Americans who identify as “Christian” also “support” homosexual/lesbian marriage. 

Summary of the facts concerning the issue of abortion.

 1- 225 million voting age Americans identify as “Christian.”

 2- 147 million voting age Americans “support” pro-life. (49 percent)

 3- 138,000,000 voting age Americans “support” abortion. (46 percent)

 4- Even if the 147 million were all “Christians” (which is not the case) that would mean that at the very least 78 million voting age Americans who identify as Christians are pro- abortion.


1- Remember, God not only holds unrepentant homosexuals/lesbians responsible for their lifestyle & will punish them accordingly, but He holds those who defend/support that lifestyle equally responsible. Judges 19; Rom= 1:24-31; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 7

2- Remember, the same is true with abortionists and everyone who supports abortion through words, media posts, $$$$ and/or voting. 


1- 135 million professing Christians are in eternal hot water with God on the issue of homosexual/lesbian marriage. Gen 19, Lev 18:22; 20:13; Judg 19; Rom 1:26-27. 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10; Jude 7

2- 78 million professing Christians are in eternal hot water with God on the issue of abortion. “God hates those who shed innocent blood” (Prov 6:17) Gen 1:28; 9:5-6; Ex 21:22-25; Ps 139:13,15; 22:10-11; 127:3; Jer 1:5; Mt 19:18; 7:12; Lk 1:41ff; 2:12, 16; Jn 10:10; Gal 1:15.

3- If you are currently in eternal hot water with God, please know that He would love to receive you and your repentance before it is too late. God wants you to be saved.

Mike Sublett is a pastor at Hi-Land Christian Church, 1615 N. Banks St., Pampa, Texas 79065. Email him at