The Variety Show You Can’t Miss


The Pampa High School Choir Department is preparing for its annual variety show. The show will take place on May 18th at the M.K. Brown Auditorium. The variety show has been a long-standing tradition, going back to the ‘80s, but is still a key part of what the choir does every year.

“This show gives kids the chance to branch out and show part of themselves and share the music that they love,” Director, Tammy May said.

“We have a lot of kids that love to sing, but they don’t enjoy the choral music,” Director, Brianna Montgomery said. “So the variety show is a chance for them to sing something they enjoy and showcase their skills outside of the group setting.”

The show mostly showcases singing performances but this year there will be more additions that the viewers will get to see. A variety of genres of music and other entertaining events.

“This year we have a skit or two planned,” Montgomery said. “We also have some instrumental solos as well as some dancing planned. More than just singing.”

In total, there will be 25+ performances from students of the Pampa High School Choral Department, with solos, duets, trios, and small group events. The directors oversee all performances, checking for content/language and time limits.

“We want the kids to express themselves, but we still have to monitor,” Montgomery said. “There’s also a time limit because we can’t have the show going forever.”

The show, while allowing the students to express themselves, also serves as a chance for the directors to see students stand out.

“I love it because sometimes their students that might hide in the background,” Montgomery said. “This show allows them to stand up and do something on their own that builds confidence. It shows us talents that they might not have shown all year.”

Tickets are sold at the door, and $5 admission for everyone. The show will start at 7 pm. While preparing for this, the directors and students are also working on ‘Show Choir’ for next year and working with students going to TSSEC (Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest)

“We’re working on awards assembly and graduation music and the variety show music all at the same time,” Montgomery said. “The students are still doing a lot of work but they always handle it.”