The Top O’ Texas Rodeo Association is sponsoring the “Golden Horseshoe Hunt” again in conjunction with the 77th annual Top O’ Texas Rodeo, August 9 & 10. A “Golden Horseshoe” has been hidden in the area and clues will be given each day that will help locate the horseshoe.
The lucky person who finds the horseshoe will receive a Box Seat to both performances of the rodeo, a Family Pack Meal once a month for one year courtesy of Chicken Express, one $25 gift certificate per month for one year courtesy of The Hamburger Station, and a Swig Life 24 cooler courtesy of Prestige Autobody & Accessories. The winners will also be riding in the rodeo parade on Saturday, August 10.
This year the clues will be placed in selected stores in Pampa and you can only get the clues by going into that store. Hints as to the location of these stores will be given in the Pampa News, on The Pampa News Facebook page, and the Top O’ Texas Rodeo Association Facebook page beginning Monday, July 29. Merchants have been asked not to give any information out over the telephone.
If you have any questions concerning the Top O’ Texas Rodeo or the Golden Horseshoe Hunt, please call the TOTRA at 806-662-2873.