A Study in the Word – Micah 4:1-13


Until God closes the history of the world at the consummation (Matt. 28:20), we live in the “meantime;” the End is coming, but not yet.  Micah 4 describes the blessed life of the faithful in the closing days.  A feature of verses 1-5 is “walking,” either in the Lord’s Name or in the name of a false god.  Those in the latter group will hear there is an opportunity to join the faith group.  The word of the Lord will attract unbelievers to Him.  Micah’s vision proposes a place to meet, the “house of the Lord” (4:1).  The teaching of the Lord concerning how to “walk” before Him is the primary concern (4:2).  The content of this instruction is God’s absolute sovereignty.  Judgment on all nations will be declared.  The first effect of this judgment is that peace will prevail (4:3).  The second effect: Prosperity will flourish, assured by the promise of God (4:4).  The choice for which way of life is clear.  Some will continue to follow after false gods.  The faithful will choose the Lord’s way, that where their feet go, God’s footsteps have led the way.  Their faith means steady assimilation of God’s word into their lives and lifestyles (4:5).

The coming Kingdom of God is a certainty.  Through “kingdom living” today the faithful can anticipate real and eternal blessings God is to provide them.  Neither physical condition nor social standing will be barriers (4:6).  What the world sees as weakness, God will make strong in contrast (4:7a).  The unquestioned sovereignty of God will prevail (4:7b).  Just as promised, the Davidic kingdom will be established (4:8; Rev. 11:15).

Kingdom victories will come at the end, but they also can come now through faith.  Sin is punished, yes, but faith and repentance deliver from sin.  To be sure, mere relief of ill circumstances, though welcome, is not redemption.  Judgment comes for every sin (4:9-10a), but redemption holds the final word (4:10b).  There is no question that people of faith have scheming enemies and these are often aggressive in oppression and persecution.  These enemies think that whatever offends their pride must be destroyed (4:11).  On the other hand, the thoughts of the Lord are greater than the plots of His enemies: “Little they know the Eternal’s plan” (4:12, Moffatt).  His plan includes participation by the faithful.  Thus, the faithful will experience victory through worship that honors the Lord (4:13).

Dr. David Moore is a Baptist preacher in Pampa and an online instructor in Bible and theology for Taylor University and Nations University.  Email: dm5867se@outlook.com