A Study in the Word: Revelation 19:5-10


Celebrating the victory of Jesus continues (19:5). The One who has proved worthy of praise should be praised by all who benefit from His saving power. They are “His bond-servants,” saints who give Him their allegiance. They “fear” Him. Fear of God is first a healthy respect that submits in every way to His authority (14:7). Respect then deepens to reverence, the single most powerful motivation to obey Him (15:4; Prov. 9:10). Reverence inspires thoughtful reflection on Christ’s saving grace (Phil. 4:8; Psalm 85:9). Faith, not standing, determines who may serve and revere the Lord (19:5b).

In response to the call to praise God, all the saints raise magnificent and voluminous praise to Him. This is the fourth “Hallelujah!” (19:6). The word “for” introduces the fourfold reason they sing his praises. He is eternal (“Lord”). He is the only True God. He is all-powerful (“Almighty”). He reigns supremely. Christ’s bond-servants are to mutually encourage each other (19:7a). John’s word “rejoice” is also used in greetings (Matt. 28:9; John 16:22; 20:20). His word “glad” is similar to “rejoice” and is often used in a sense of triumph, which fits well here (Matt. 5:12; Luke 1:47). To “give glory” is to honor God in the fullest sense of the term. Saints giving God glory means recognizing and acknowledging the glory He already possesses. The Lord has acted in a way that is deserving of all honor.

Again, “for” gives reasons for celebration (19:7b). The marriage of bride and groom provides imagery for a banquet of celebration where the Lamb is greeted and all who have persevered are dressed for the occasion (21:2; 2 Cor. 11:2; Eph. 5:27). The garments of the saints once were reserved for the temple and priests (19:8; Exodus 27-39). They symbolize purity in contrast to the false royalty of Babylon (17:4) and represent the “righteous acts” of those saints who persevere (19:8).

It is these “serving saints” who are invited to the marriage supper as both bride and guests. In the timetable of the End, this prophecy lies in the future, so the church now must continue to persevere in faith and deed. Saints need to hear this affirmation to strengthen their resolve to see Christ’s coming and certain triumph (19:9). John and the saints are reminded to keep telling the truth about God in Jesus Christ until the marriage supper of the Lamb comes to reality (19:10).

Dr. David Moore is a university online instructor in Bible and theology. Email: dm5867se@outlook.com