Be Still


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

One of the things that I am backing away from at this time is watching the news. I know that they are only reporting what is taking place around this area, this state, our nation and the world. But after watching the news, I feel like I am going crazy.

The truth is I have started choosing what news I will listen to and what I will mute. It seems to be helping make my mind settle a bit more and it sure keeps my blood pressure down. I still get news that messes with me, but for the most part it is better.

With all that is taking place in our world it seems to be getting a little overwhelming. As I look around at all that we are being faced with it makes me want to pull back and just pull a pillow over my head. I know that is not going to make all the bad news disappear, but it will enable me to deal with things easier.

Then things begin to come to my mind. The shootings that are happening across our nation. Then there are issues that people are facing in the loss of their loved ones. Of course, then there are the things coming out because of the change in the abortion law as well as the things that are being said people are going to do.

After all this my mind seems to be going crazy. I know there are certain things that are going to happen. I know that until the Lord returns, satan is going to be doing all he can to bring people down. Yet this still doesn’t make facing all the issues easier.

Then something happened that lifted my spirit. Bro. Ronnie Parker called the other day and said he had some pictures his wife, Melissa, had colored for some people at the church and wanted to bring them by. He brought them to the house and she even made one especially for me. But as I looked through all he brought there was one that spoke to me.

It was filled with beautiful colors that drew me to the picture. The way she colored the picture was so pretty. The colors she used brought my attention to the scripture in the middle. It was from Exodus 14 where Moses had something that people needed to hear as Pharoah came after them. They were afraid Pharoah was going to kill them, but Moses had something to say to them.

It was from Exodus 14:14 – it said -- 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (NIV). When I saw it, I was totally moved. All the issues that had seemed to overwhelm me, were put in perspective. I just had to remember that the Lord had promised us that ‘….He would never leave us nor forsake us.” (Heb. 13:5). It just turned me around.

As I thought about things and that verse, I realized again that I am not alone, God is with me. I don’t have to fight all the battles in life, God will fight for me. I just need to be still and let Him lead me through the struggles that I am facing. I am so thankful that Melissa sent those pictures to us and I found that one.

The struggles of life are not going away until our Lord returns to take His children home. Yet no matter what you are facing, you don’t have to fight alone. Look to the Lord. He will be there to fight for you. Just be still and let Him fight for you.

JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, there IS something about that name!!

Christ only, always,

Bro. Paul

Brother Paul Nachtigall is the retired preacher at Highland Baptist Church. He can be reached at

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

One of the things that I am backing away from at this time is watching the news. I know that they are only reporting what is taking place around this area, this state, our nation and the world. But after watching the news, I feel like I am going crazy.

The truth is I have started choosing what news I will listen to and what I will mute. It seems to be helping make my mind settle a bit more and it sure keeps my blood pressure down. I still get news that messes with me, but for the most part it is better.

With all that is taking place in our world it seems to be getting a little overwhelming. As I look around at all that we are being faced with it makes me want to pull back and just pull a pillow over my head. I know that is not going to make all the bad news disappear, but it will enable me to deal with things easier.

Then things begin to come to my mind. The shootings that are happening across our nation. Then there are issues that people are facing in the loss of their loved ones. Of course, then there are the things coming out because of the change in the abortion law as well as the things that are being said people are going to do.

After all this my mind seems to be going crazy. I know there are certain things that are going to happen. I know that until the Lord returns, satan is going to be doing all he can to bring people down. Yet this still doesn’t make facing all the issues easier.

Then something happened that lifted my spirit. Bro. Ronnie Parker called the other day and said he had some pictures his wife, Melissa, had colored for some people at the church and wanted to bring them by. He brought them to the house and she even made one especially for me. But as I looked through all he brought there was one that spoke to me.

It was filled with beautiful colors that drew me to the picture. The way she colored the picture was so pretty. The colors she used brought my attention to the scripture in the middle. It was from Exodus 14 where Moses had something that people needed to hear as Pharoah came after them. They were afraid Pharoah was going to kill them, but Moses had something to say to them.

It was from Exodus 14:14 – it said -- 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (NIV). When I saw it, I was totally moved. All the issues that had seemed to overwhelm me, were put in perspective. I just had to remember that the Lord had promised us that ‘….He would never leave us nor forsake us.” (Heb. 13:5). It just turned me around.

As I thought about things and that verse, I realized again that I am not alone, God is with me. I don’t have to fight all the battles in life, God will fight for me. I just need to be still and let Him lead me through the struggles that I am facing. I am so thankful that Melissa sent those pictures to us and I found that one.

The struggles of life are not going away until our Lord returns to take His children home. Yet no matter what you are facing, you don’t have to fight alone. Look to the Lord. He will be there to fight for you. Just be still and let Him fight for you.

JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, there IS something about that name!!

Christ only, always,

Bro. Paul

Brother Paul Nachtigall is the retired preacher at Highland Baptist Church. He can be reached at