Cornerstone Baptist Church will be holding a Discover Hope Tent Revival nightly at 6:30 p.m. starting May 1 and going through May 4.
“Through the last few years, everybody has gone through a series of crises,” Associate Pastor Kyle Collins said. “Jumping from the pandemic in multiple waves through the health, mental and anxiety issues that have come from that. As pastors/staff were praying over what we feel like the Lord would have us do here in Pampa, he laid the idea of an old-school tent revival on our hearts and just the idea of hope.”
Collins cited Psalm 33 and said “Let your steadfast love be on us, oh Lord, even while we hope in you.”
“We are not meant to be hopeless,” Collins said. “Regardless of what the circumstances around us are. In times of Ukraine invasions, inflation, politics, etc. It’s easy to become hopeless if we lose sight of Jesus, who is our hope.”
Hamburgers will be available May 1 at 5:30 p.m. and pizza will be available at 5:30 p.m. free of charge. Services start daily at 6:30 p.m.
Worship will be led by the Houston-based Mike Romero Worship Band.
“We just hit it off,” Collins said. “Worship leadership should not be just a concert. I’m not talking about music quality, staging or lighting. Where is the focus? Where is the attention? If it’s aimed at the stage, we’ve made a mistake. If we’re aimed at the throne of God, we’re on target.”
The speaker each night will be Preacher Mike Satterfield from Arlington, who became connected with Cornerstone Baptist Church at last year’s youth camp.
“After hearing him preach to our students last summer we’re really excited about having him come next week,” Collins said.
The revival will be held in the Cornerstone Baptist Church parking lot, located at 2410 W. 23rd Street. There will be a 40’X80’ tent set up and if weather changes plans, they can move inside.
Everyone is invited to come, listen and find hope through the love of Christ.
“It’s not about growing Cornerstone,” Collins said. “It’s about believers in Pampa being encouraged and the lost coming to know Him.”
For more information call 806-669-6509, visit or find them on Facebook at “Cornerstone Baptist Church.”
“We’re excited,” Collins said. “We’re praying God to move people. We’re praying for people to be encouraged, for believers to be encouraged and for the lost to come and know Him for the first time.”