Wednesday, May 4
• Alberto Martinez, 24, Pampa, was arrested by Gray County Sheriff’s Office for possession of a controlled substance penalty group one greater than one gram and less than four grams, violation of probation- failure to identify.
• Gary Teakell, 36, Pampa, was arrested by GCSO for possession of a controlled substance penalty group one greater than four grams and less than 200 grams, warrant of arrest- expired operator’s license and warrant of arrest-failure to maintain financial responsibility.
• Justin Ditirro, 31, Pampa, was arrested by Pampa Police Department for warrant of arrest- animal at large, warrant of arrest- no rabies vaccine, warrant of arrest- driving while license suspended, warrant of arrest- expired registration, warrant of arrest- speeding 55 in 45, warrant of arrest- driving while license suspended.
• Nikki Rodriguez, 24, Pampa, was arrested by PPD for capias pro fine- driving while license suspended, capias pro fine- driving while license suspended and capias pro fine- ran stop sign.
Thursday, May 5
• Aaron Hudson, 31, Pampa, was arrested by PPD for criminal trespass, resisting arrest/search/transport.
• Josh Seymour, 35, Pampa, was arrested by PPD for evading arrest/detention with previous conviction and violation of bond/protective order.
• Aaron Dunham, 32, Pampa, was arrested by GCSO for driving while intoxicated greater than/equal to .15 and duty on striking fixture/highway.
• Steven Oneal, 34, Pampa, was arrested by PPD for unlawful possession of a firearm by felon, instanter- possession of drug paraphernalia.