Twenty-two years ago on September the 11th, 19 terrorists hijacked two American Airlines and two United Airlines planes. Two of those planes crashed into what was once known as the World Trade Center, also called the Twin Towers. One plane was crashed into the Pentagon. The last plane went down in a field outside Pennsylvania when the passengers revolted, rushing the cockpit, and preventing the plane from reaching it’s suspected target, the Capital Building.
Over ten-million dollars in damage had been done and nearly 3000 people lost their lives with over 6000 people injured as a result of what was deemed the worst terrorist attack ever in the history of our country. Ever since then, the Kiwanis club has made it a point to honor first responders, law enforcement officers and firefighters near the anniversary of this occasion, paying homage to people who work selflessly every day to protect and to serve.
On Friday, September 8, the Kiwanis club held an appreciation lunch, lovingly prepared by the hard-working staff at the Kozy Korner Restaurant, for local first responders, during which time a small awards ceremony was held to recognize the 2023 Firefighter of the Year and the 2023 law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
The following speeches were prepared and read by John Warner of the Kiwanis Club, who presented an award to each honoree.
The 2023 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year is a Correctional Officer Sergeant at the Jordan Unit here in Pampa. He has over 24 years of service. He began his career with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in Childress in May 1995 and transferred to Pampa in June 2014.
Our honoree oversees numerous gardens at the Jordan Unit. The gardens provide produce for inmates and staff not only for the Jordan Unit but for other units across the State of Texas.
He makes Pampa a better place to live by providing security for groups of inmates assigned to the Community Squad. The Community Squad provides services including cleaning Fairview Cemetary and preparing baseball fields for the Pampa Optimist Youth Club. The Community Squad also provides services for the Top Of Texas Rodeo grounds and the Pampa Police Department. Every year the Community Squad impacts our community by assisting the City of Pampa in preparing for the Celebration of Lights.
A warden from the Jordan Unit reports that our honoree “is a tremendous asset to the Jordan Unit, Gray County and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice”.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the 2023 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year, Jayson Pierce.
The 2023 Firefighter of the Year is described by Chief Kasey Presson as being “reliable, trustworthy, competent, and capable”. Despite having been with the City of Pampa Fire Department for less than a year and a half, he has already been given a temporary promotion to Acting Equipment Operator.
The Fire Chief explains. “He has risen to the occasion multiple times and accomplished every task that has been put in front of him without hesitation or delay”.
An example of our honoree’s sense of duty occurred on February 16, 2023. At 3:23 am, that day the on-duty crew at Fire Station No. 1 was dispatched on a service call for medical assistance. At the same time, our honoree’s wife notified him that she may be going into labor. He made the decision not to leave his crew short-handed. He answered the call and provided aid to the patient. When the call was completed, he was released from duty.
He hurried home to find his wife was in active labor. He sprang into action. He gathered supplies from around the home and assisted his wife in giving birth to their second child.
utilizing the skills he has learned throughout his young career as a firefighter, he delivered his own son. EMS arrived soon after and transported a healthy mother and a healthy baby boy to Pampa Regional Medical Center.
A hero to his family and to his peers, I am proud to introduce to you the 2023 Firefighter of the Year for the City of Pampa, Texas, Ben Glover.
Both honorees received their well-earned awards in the company of family, friends and co-workers, as well as grateful members of the Kiwanis Club.
“The 2023 Firefighter of the year is lucky to be here,” said Warner. “My wife said if she was his wife she would have killed him.”