Kovar Capital: Tips For Selling a Vehicle


Hey Taylor - I’m toying with the idea of selling my truck. On the one hand, I can’t imagine parting with this beauty. On the other, I can hardly afford the monthly payments and gas is killing me. Any advice to help me with this decision?

Hey Jim - It’s hard to part with a good vehicle, especially a quality truck. I know what you’re going through. It’s important to ask these questions, though, because finding a good solution can make your life a lot easier in the long run.

1.) Can you afford not to have the truck? Before selling it, you need to consider life on the other side. I imagine you don’t use the truck in your daily work or you wouldn’t be asking this question. What else do you haul and tow around? If you sell the truck, does the boat have to go as well? Then there’s the second half of this question: what can you get to replace the vehicle when it’s gone? Used cars are hard to find and expensive these days; do you have a plan for what you’ll get and where you’ll get it? The worst-case scenario is that you sell your truck to save money, then find yourself losing money on a more expensive or impractical replacement.

2.) Can you make the truck more affordable? Here’s where a little creativity might help you keep your ride. One option is to renegotiate the lease, which is a tough sell but crazier things have happened. A second thought is to see how much you can cut back on driving to save on gas. Can you take fewer trips into town? Take a bus or rideshare from time to time? Sometimes saving on gas is just a matter of willpower.

3.) My third proposal might be your favorite, and that’s thinking of ways your truck can bring in more income. I have a friend who makes about $300 a month through Carvertise. He’s got a company decal on his truck and all he has to do is go about his business. If you keep your vehicle looking nice, that’s a legitimate option. You can also sign up with Amazon and other delivery apps to drop packages in certain areas. You won’t save on gas, but you can make $25 bucks an hour and work on an as-needed basis. Then there’s the option to hire yourself out to haul scraps away for people and businesses who either don’t have the time or the vehicle to do the job. I know this puts more work on your plate, but the extra money could help you keep your truck and even put away some savings.

It’s hard to think of losing a truck you really love. However, I’m confident you can think this through and find a silver lining. Let me know how it all plays out, Jim!