Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We are now two weeks past Easter and are moving forward daily in our walk with the Lord. There is always so much that takes place on a daily basis but it seems to always bring us back to the reason that Christ came into this world. It makes me so happy to see God’s love shared.
Whenever I stand in the pulpit to share a message, one thing I want people to hear is God’s love for them. So many times, it seems that I get off track and don’t get the message out of the way I intended. I just want people to know that God loves them so much that He sent His only begotten Son.
Of course, when we think about God’s love for us our thoughts turn to John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” But I really like 1 John 3:16 -- 16 “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”
The truth is what the love God has shown us is the love that we ought to be sharing with those we meet. Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:1-2 -- Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”
It seems so easy to say that we love others, but fleshing that out in our lives can be difficult. We get caught up in what is taking place in our lives and often forget to give ourselves just as Christ did. It’s past time for us to show the love of Christ to a world that is desperately in need.
As I thought about this my mind went to a song that Gordon Mote sings. The message is simple and to the point. I want to share the words to the song. As you read them allow your heart to hear how much God loves you.
It begins – The parking lot was full that Easter morning, Suits and ties and bonnets, Sunday finest filled the pews, Pastor Rick was known for his long sermons, But we knew that he would give us something we could hold on to.
He walked up to the pulpit, and we sat up in our seats, He slowly looked around and made us wait to hear him speak. Then he said, Love, Love, Love, and then he sat back down. It wasn’t much but man it was enough. Cause the one thing we all could use more of, is Love, Love, Love.
The ladies on the front row didn’t like it. One of them said, ‘whatever we pay him is too much.’ Mr. Johnson said, ‘we got dressed up for nothing. But at least we’ll beat the Baptists to the Shoney’s Sunday brunch.’ But as for me, I got more from those three little words, than from all the other sermons that I’d ever heard.
When he said Love, Love, Love and then he sat back down. It wasn’t much, but man it was enough. Cause the one thing we all could use more of – is Love, Love, Love.
Jesus came and shared His love for all of us. As a pastor once said – He spread His arms out on Calvary and said ‘I love you.’ But the last line of the song says it all – ‘the one thing we all could use more of – is Love, Love, Love.’
As I listen to this song I am overwhelmed with its message. As I read God’s Word I am overwhelmed with its message. In many respects its simple – Love, Love, Love.
JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, there IS something about that name!!
Christ only, always,
Bro. Paul
Songwriters: Liz Hengber / Mark Eugene Nesler / Marty Dodson