New Director of Economic Development to Help Propel Pampa Towards Prosperity


Pampa welcomes Jodi Ashby as its newly appointed Director of Economic Development. Hailing from the scenic landscapes of Western Kentucky, Jodi brings a decade of experience in rural economic development and a profound understanding of the intricacies of natural resource markets. A Fort Hays State University alumnus with a Bachelor of Business Administration and a concentration in International Human Resources, Jodi is poised to lead Pampa and Gray County toward economic revitalization. With family ties to the Texas Panhandle and a long-standing connection to the area, she is enthusiastic about helping to restore and enhance Pampa’s vibrant culture and quality of life.

Jodi’s expertise lies in the recruitment, retention, and expansion of industries, coupled with a robust focus on workforce development and quality of life. Having navigated the economic ebbs and flows of coal country, she is well-prepared to help address the challenges and opportunities presented in this type of economy.

To kickstart a collaborative effort in shaping Pampa’s economic future, the Pampa Economic Development Corporation invites all community members to an in-person discussion on February 20th, at 5:30 pm. The event will take place in the PEDC Event Room at the Pampa EDC building located at 200 N Ballard St. This occasion not only introduces Jodi as the new Director of Economic Development but also provides a platform for citizens from all walks of life to actively contribute to the community’s development.

Glennette Goode, President of the Pampa EDC, said “We hired an executive search group that specializes in Economic Developers when Clay Rice, former Director began his retirement phase. We received 23 applications and selected those with the most EDC Director experience, then the committee did ZOOM interviews. We picked the top 3 and brought them to Pampa for the entire board to make the selection. We feel we have found the best fit for Pampa with lots of EDC experience.”

Recognizing economic development as a collaborative endeavor, Jodi encourages residents to engage in open dialogue about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. By fostering a community-driven approach, she envisions a revitalized Pampa where every citizen plays a crucial role in shaping the city’s destiny. To get there, Jodi says, “No one can love your community more than you do. If you love Pampa, you will speak and act as if you love it, and others will then love it. It isn’t like we are a city who is known worldwide. We have to make ourselves known and interesting to the types of investors who can shape our future economy. There is work to be done and I am excited to be a part of it!”

In welcoming Jodi, Pampa embarks on an accelerated journey of growth and prosperity. The EDC looks forward to a dynamic future with Jodi’s leadership, characterized by innovation, and community engagement.