St. Vincent de Paul will host their annual fundraiser at 6:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 at 810 W. 23rd Avenue in Pampa.
Dr. Jack Albracht, President of the Parish Council and Chairman of the Annual Fundraiser, said this is the 17th year they will be hosting the event.
Included in the event is a reverse raffle to raise funds for the general operating account of the church.
“It’s (the operating balance) is not ear-tagged for any specific thing, just general operations,” Dr. Albracht said. “The last ticket in the hopper will win the grand prize. Tickets are eliminated throughout the night until the last one wins the grand prize.”
Third place (which will be the third from last ticket) is a $2,000 Visa card, second place (next to last) is a $3,000 Visa card and the grand prize is a $5,000 Visa card.
Tickets are $100 and along with tickets for the raffle includes dinner for two, dancing, silent auction and live auction entry.
“We usually have five or six large items we will do in the auction.” Dr. Albracht said. “We will be following all CDC protocols at the event. We follow CDC guidelines and the guidelines in place from our Diocese in Amarillo. They are doing the same thing as CDC, if not a little more strict.”
Dr. Albracht said face-coverings are required (unless eating or drink) and practice social distancing. Dinner will be provided by the church and friends of the church, off of a cut of meat donated by Tyson Foods.
“It’s a terrific meat,” Dr. Albracht said. “It’s a petite tenderloin they prepare in the roaster. Then they slice it into individual steaks.”
The church’s women’s ministry will provide sides including salads and vegetables. Dinner is themed for Valentine’s weekend.
Music will be provided by Fish on Fire and calcutta will also be played with half of the prizes going back to the church.
“It’s good clean fun but no one under 21 years old is allowed,” Dr. Albracht said. “But we thank the community for their support in this.”
For more information on St. Vincent de Paul, call 806-665-8933.