What is your favorite chapter in the “letters to the churches” in the New Testament? (Romans through Revelation) Many or most usually choose Romans 8, and what a spectacular adventure it is into the assurance and security of the believer in Christ. WOW! However, what would be your #2? I recently taught a Prison Epistles class on Ephesians. During preparation I came to realize that Ephesians chapter 2 was my #2.
It begins with 3 verses that are as dark as a cavern when the light goes out; “dead in the trespasses and sins”, “following the course of this world”, “by nature children of wrath”. Those 77 words serve as the dark and depressing backdrop for the 137 words of glory that follow in verses 4-10.
Two words change everything: “But God”. Then the Holy Spirit supplied Paul with the details that explain why “But God” changes everything. God supplies: “rich mercy”, “great love”, “made us alive”, “grace”, “seated with Christ”, “immeasurable riches of His grace” and “kindness in Christ”. How unbelievably spectacular is that? WOW!
Then on top of all those incomprehensible, heaven sent blessings, He unveils His purpose for us: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” God designed heaven-blessed deeds to be done on earth and He chose us, His faithful children, to carry them out for His glory. We get to be God’s chosen vessel for the pouring out of His love and grace on all of humanity. WOW, again.
So why don’t you take just a moment and open your Bible to Ephesians 2:1-10. And if you feel downright daring, read it in several different translations; soak it up, bathe in it for a while. Maybe it can be your #2 as well. God bless.
Mike Sublett is a pastor at Hi-Land Christian Church, 1615 N. Banks St., Pampa, Texas 79065. Email him at pawdad@nts-online.net.