A Celebration of Victory and Moving Forward


A Celebration of Victory and Moving Forward


On Wednesday, November 20, the Top O’ Texas Republican Women held their monthly meeting at Pampa Senior Citizens to celebrate the 2024 election and announce the new officers for the 2025-2026 year with President, Jana Vinson and Treasurer, Leona Willis retiring from their long-standing roles.

The meeting began with Jana expressing her excitement for the election results and the success of the campaign.

“Welcome to the victory party!” she said. “Time for a celebration. I know you all have been celebrating for the last couple of weeks, but we’ll be celebrating for a long time.”

Jana then introduced special guest Justice of the Peace for Precinct 2 & 4, Connie Ogle, who spoke about what her job as JP consists of in fascinating detail and answered questions at the end of her presentation.

Following the presentation, Jana addressed the room, thanking everyone for the work they did during the campaign season.

“I just want to thank everybody for everything you did. From setting up the headquarters and working at the headquarters, going door-to-door asking people to vote, to standing out on the streets encouraging people to vote, and to those who cleaned up-anything you did was greatly appreciated and was such a big help.”

A few members mentioned how the public was so warm and receptive to the work they were doing, such as giving those who stood on the street corners with voting signs water and drivers honking their horns as they passed by.

“I cannot say thank you enough for everything that you did during the election season, really this whole year. We hit the ground running in January and we didn’t let up. Thank you all again. We will continue to work together and pray to keep our nation one nation under God.”

The Slate of Officers for the 2025-2026 year were also announced and once they are secured into their new positions, they will be announced publicly.

Jana also congratulated Dee Dee Laramore who was in attendance on her new position as County Clerk. 

Lynne Moore also addressed the meeting to discuss the Panhandle Gives event that will begin on Monday, November 25 and Altrusa’s Soup With Mrs. Claus on Saturday, December 15. 

After the meeting, both Jana and Leona spoke about their retirement from the TOTRW board and what they plan to do next.

Eighteen years ago, Jana had found out that the TOTRW were going to shut down because no one wanted to take over, and having recently retired from her career, she decided to step into the role and has been President ever since.

“I’ve enjoyed it, but now it’s just time for new blood,” she said. “She’s young, but that’s what we need-young people in this group. She’s been a part of this club for several years and has been very involved in politics in Gray County. We’re hoping she can get some more younger women involved as well.”

Although she is retiring from her position within the club, Jana will still be heavily involved, dedicating herself to the cause as she has always done.

“I’m not saying goodbye. Gray County is such a great place and we’ve had so many great women that I’ve gotten to work with through the years. They’re all just willing to do their part and really believe in the principals that the Republican Party stands for. We want that to be carried throughout our country and we will make America great again.”

Leona has been the Treasurer and PAC Treasurer for the last 14 years, and is happy to pass on the torch, taking comfort in knowing that the candidate is a CPA and is highly qualified to take on the stressful and tedious position. 

Leona will still stay busy taking care of the books at Pampa Senior Citizens and serving on their Board of Directors while still remaining involved with the TOTRW.

“This is a wonderful group of women and Republican to the bone. We’re just so happy with how everything turned out and are excited to see the good stuff that’s going to happen.”

“I couldn’t have done it without this lady right here,” Jana said of Leona. “She’s been my right hand the whole time.”

Congratulations to both Jana and Leona on your retirement and congratulations to you all on an outstanding victory!