A Study in the Word: Colossians 1:24-29


Paul applies to the church all he has related so far (1:24-2:5).

In spite of his current circumstance as a prisoner, he can rejoice that he conducted his ministry for Jesus for the sake of the church (1:24). He understands that as Jesus suffered, so will His ministers. The sufferings of Jesus on the church’s behalf were perfectly sufficient to complete God’s plan of salvation. That standard applies to His ministers, so a minister willingly gives himself for the church. Paul is committed to doing “his share” as Christ gives him opportunity. In this, his goal is to continue the servant work of Christ.

Preaching Christ’s Word requires hard labor (1:25-27).

Preachers are called of God for “stewardship” responsibilities (1:25). This word meant managing a household, so it is a fitting picture of managing God’s household under His direction. This responsibility was “bestowed” on Paul. Preaching, then, is both gift and privilege.

A minister is to preach Jesus to the church (“saints,” 1:26).

They are to be informed and guided by God’s Word. When they are, they will marvel at all the differences Jesus makes in their lives.

A minister also directs the riches of Christ toward the lost (1:27). A church body must not grow familiar and comfortable, for Christ challenges His churches to reach the lost. The Lord gives confidence to His church in the glory to come. The lost also need to know this glory, so a minister encourages and trains his church to bear witness of Jesus to lost people.

In his regular preaching, a minister unfolds the full counsel of Jesus (1:28-29). Warnings alert us to things that detract from true faith. Instructions build up the church for right living. Sound instruction provides a framework for each believer to share what Jesus means in salvation and life (1:28a). A minister works toward this purpose for his church so that they become spiritually mature, “complete in Christ” (1:28b); that is, “to help every man stand on his own two feet as a grown-up Christian” (Clarence Jordan).

Like Paul, so also a minister should put forth the effort to fulfill this purpose in his calling to ministry (1:29). John Broadus instructed his preaching students: “Fear God and work.” Paul concluded that preaching is measured by (“according to”) the effort Christ gave to save us. The goal of saving and growing people in the Lord makes it worthwhile.