Altrusa of Pampa has just finished it’s second year of 12 good deeds, an idea that the chairman of the project, Kerrick Horton got from a movie last holiday season.
“I saw a Hallmark about 12 gifts of Christmas,” Horton said. “After watching the movie, I thought well why can’t we do something similar to that, but doing good deeds.”
The organization volunteered for multiple different deeds. The group worked the Celebration of Lights for a night, they also donated and made over 132 sacks of food and clothing for members of Gray Cares. They blessed P.A.W.S. by hosting an open house, and donated $300 to the shelter. The women hosted bingo for the Coronado Nursing home and Pampa Nursing center where they provide prizes for all the attendants. With help from Mrs. Claus, the women of Altrusa read and donated over 175 books to St. Matts Day School and Community Day Care. Along with their gift bags for Gray Cares, Altrusa also helped Snack Pak 4 Kids and donated $300 to the organization. Members of Altrusa rang the bell during the ‘Red Kettle Campaign’ and delivered 190 Christmas cards with hand made angels to members of Meals on Wheels. For their final good deed, Altrusa selected angels from the ‘Angel Tree Campaign’ and donated $2,000 to Tralee Crisis Center with an additional $500 to the Children’s Shopping Tour.
“We were very fortunate to be able to do all 12 deeds, and will continue this every year,” Horton said. “We had 25 Altrusan’s along with our husbands and four grandkids. We put in a total of 133.5 Hours, we were busy. But I love it.”
The annual fund raiser for Altrusa is ‘Soup with Mrs. Claus’ and the proceeds are what helps to keep Altrusa able to giving back into our community .
“100% of the fundraising goes back into the community,” Horton said. “Whether that’s by donation money, or by getting things an organization may need and donating to them.”
Altrusa of Pampa meets twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at First United Methodist Church.
“We always want new members that want to give their time,” Horton said. “We don’t have a number but if they know an Altrusan, simply ask to join, we’d love to have them.”
If you’re interested in joining Altrusa, contact a current member to join.
Thank you to Altrusa for all the hard work you do throughout the year, and to continuing to give back to our community.