Beef cattle conference April 25-26 in Canadian to discuss the ‘numbers’

Cattle industry to hear updates concerning drought, inflation, markets


With continued drought and changing cattle markets, this year’s theme of the annual Capital Farm Credit Hemphill County Texas A&M AgriLife Beef Conference is more relevant than ever, said Andy Holloway, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent for Hemphill County.

The conference, themed “It’s All About the Numbers,” is set for April 25-26 in the Jones Pavilion, 1101 N. Sixth St., Canadian. Registration is $150 per person, and spouse tickets can be purchased for $125 if attending together.

Participants can register online at, by calling 806-323-9114 or stopping by the AgriLife Extension office at 10965 Exhibition Center Road, Canadian.

Holloway said there are three critical issues facing beef cattle producers – drought, extremely high input costs and inflation, and beef cattle markets – that make this an important event for producers to attend.

“The numbers we are talking about start with this lingering drought, which is continuing forced cattle slaughter and rapidly declining cow numbers,” Holloway said. “Secondly, input costs like protein, fuel, interest rates, etc., have increased dramatically in just a year’s time, forcing beef cattle producers to rethink their budgets and business plans.

“And finally, it’s the numbers involved in the zooming beef cattle markets,” he said. “How high is too high and how much higher can producers realistically expect? What are the numbers in the market that represent opportunities?”