Chapter of the Year Award: The Municipal Clerks of the Texas Panhandle


The Municipal Clerks of the Texas Panhandle have been recognized for their outstanding performance in 2024 by the Texas Municipal Clerks Association (TMCA). 

The Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Incorporated, (TMCA) made the announcement at its annual banquet held in South Padre Island at the end of October. The Chapter of the Year award is bestowed by the TMCA President each year and the Panhandle Chapter was selected for the honor by President Lee Woodward, City Secretary/PIO, City of La Porte. 

“The Panhandle Chapter members impressed me so much with their support of each other”, Woodward said. “These clerks share many concerns and challenges common to the sizes of their entities and the geographic and demographic factors for their part of the state. They work together to seek solutions, encourage professional development, and share best practices.”

The Panhandle Chapter is led by President Cindy Woodard, City Secretary of Memphis.  Pampa City Secretary Barbara Stucker and Lefors City Secretary Lindy Forsyth are members.  Forsyth was awarded the LeAnn Gallman Scholarship in the amount of $500.00 by Courtney White, Underwood Law Firm, for continuing education and also will serve on the TMCA audit committee in 2025.

In 1952, the Association of City Clerks and Secretaries of Texas was formed to promote the improvement and professionalism of the Texas municipal clerk. TMCA, or the Texas Municipal Clerks Association, as we know it today, was incorporated with the Texas Secretary of State’s office in the summer of 1986.

The Texas Municipal Clerks Association, Inc., and the Texas Municipal Clerks Certification Program are dedicated to promoting the municipal clerk profession by providing an educational and professional development program and networking opportunities for municipal clerks. 

The 1230+ members of TMCA heartily congratulate the Panhandle Chapter for its excellent example and dedication to their peers and the citizens of Texas.

The Panhandle Chapter has 30 members from across the region and meets bi-monthly in Amarillo. The group has guest speakers from the Comptroller’s Office, Attorney General’s office, County Attorney’s office, TABC, and many other agencies that speak on subjects that relate to municipal clerks’ duties. Most Panhandle Chapter members are certified through the University of North Texas program and are Texas Registered Municipal Clerks.

TMCA members are recognized by and issued a number from the Texas State Legislature. This certification is the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree, and graduates must recertify every five years.