Gray County 4-H welcomes its newest Extension Agent this month.
Marcus Preuninger is the new County Extension Agent that focuses on Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Preuninger spent his undergraduate years majoring in Agricultural Education at West Texas A&M. He earned his Master’s Degree in Agricultural Education at Kansas State University.
Preuninger has been an extension agent for a total of four years, with two years working in Mitchell County and two years working for Kansas State Research and Extension.
Preuninger expressed his motivation for working as an extension agent in Gray County.
“I want to help the producers, help the kids, and build the future of agriculture for the next generation to come,” Preuninger said. “I’m looking forward to working with the kids and parents. Build the leaders of tomorrow.”
As the new Gray County 4-H Extension Agent, Preguninger specializes in improving the quality and care of livestock, and crops, and preserving agricultural natural resources.
In honor of hiring a new extension agent, Gray County 4-H will be hosting a public meet and greet of Preuninger on June 13th at the Gray County Annex. From 4:00 to 6:00 pm, the community is invited to meet with Preuninger and ask him any questions. Cake and drinks will be provided.
Preuninger expresses his sincerest gratitude to those who supported him throughout his career.
“There are two gentlemen, who are my mentors, that helped me when I started, John and Greg,” Preuninger said. “They took me under their wing and helped me.”
For more information about Gray County 4-H, call (806) 669-8033 or visit 12125 E. Frederic Ave.