You may have seen and never given it much thought before, that long white trailer at nearly every big happening in Pampa from celebratory events to disasterous fires, but the Mobile Command trailer is sure to be seen lurking somewhere in the background. The trailer itself is the culmination of careful budgeting and generous grants and has become an absolute necessity for the City of Pampa Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC), utilized by both Pampa Police Department (PPD) and the fire department in the event of nearly any emergency. The Mobile Command trailer has become the central hub for all emergency services to be able to react quickly in the event of nearly any emergency situation when our public service workers are out of office.
City workers were seen setting up the trailer at Recreation Park on Monday in preparation for the Fourth of July festivities that would soon be taking place. Along the walls, sheets of paper were taped up outlining various action plans prepared ahead of time with well thought-out structures to execute swift reaction in a state of emergency. Every possible emergency was thought of in advance and a plan of how to handle each one was carefully outlined and posted for reference and ease of access to all the public service workers.
“We are truly blessed to have it,” said Officer Rick Armstrong, a Lieutenant at the PPD, “Anytime there’s a big event or a big fire we haul it out.”
The technology-filled trailer helps the PPD and fire departments keep an eye on the surrounding area with various cameras, and assists with communications between units. Whatever the situation, you can rest assured that Pampa’s public service workers are keeping a close eye on things to keep the people safe.