Members of Pampa Lions Club will host area First Responder for a “Burger Bash” this Thursday, April 25th, at The Harbor.
The Lions of 2T1 [the entire Texas Panhandle] have a mobile kitchen that will be in Pampa Thursday to prepare this salute to our area’s First Responders.
Cade Taylor, Boss Lion of Pampa Lions, says they are expecting to serve over 100 citizens who are involved with disaster relief in our community.
The Lions Alert Mobile Kitchen is part of the 2T1 Lions efforts to SERVE the people of Texas. The motto of Lions Club is “We Serve.” All across America where there is a need there is a Lions Club.
This new Lions Alert District 2T1 Mobile Kitchen was the brainchild of several clubs around the Texas Panhandle beginning around 2019 and becoming a reality last year. Panhandle Lions raised over $156,000 to make this dream come true.
This new Lions Alert trailer will be deployed for disaster relief around the Panhandle, across Texas and around our nation to feed First Responders and disaster victims.
Mickey Ebenkamp of the Canyon Lions Club said this mobile kitchen can feed up to 1000 people per day.
Lion Heath Hodge led the vision for nearly 3 years to see this program kick off in 2023. Hodge said, “This is a perfect example of how Lions clubs in our District came together to make it happen.”
This 40 ft trailer will be in Pampa this Thursday morning and afternoon in front of the Harbor preparing burgers for the area’s brave responders.
“If you are a First Responder and you have not received an invitation, please come. We want to honor you for all you do!” said Boss Lion Taylor.
Lions clubs have served the United States since 1917. The Pampa Lions Club was founded in 1927.
Pampa Lions Club is a place where individuals come together giving their valuable time and efforts to improve their communities.
If you are interested in participating in the Pampa Lions, contact ReDonn Woods at The Pampa News 806-669-2525