Upcoming Dodgeball Event by Pampa Recreation Department


The last day to register for the annual dodgeball event held by the City of Pampa’s Recreation Department is Thursday, January 4.

The teams are comprised of five individuals, men and women, ages 16 and up and is $100 per team to participate.

The tournament will be held on January 6 in the Cavalier building at Pampa High School and will begin at 9:30 AM. 

While six teams have already signed up, Collin Killgo, Director of the Recreation Department, is hoping to add more before before the registration deadline.

“We had ten teams last year, so I’d like to see that again,” said Killgo, referring to the impressive turnout with the first tournament held the previous year.

The dodgeball tournament is not the only event planned for the first month of the new year.

On Monday, January 22, the Recreation Department will begin its annual cornhole league in the Armory building at Recreational Park with games every Monday.

On Tuesday, January 23, the 3 vs. 3 basketball season will start at $100 per team, ages 16 and up, located at the Cavalier building of the high school.

After finishing up the end of the season 4 vs. 4 volleyball tournament, the new season will begin with the first competitive game on January 24 and the first recreational game on January 25 with registration ending on January 21. The entry fee is $150 per team.

The cornhole, basketball, and volleyball games will all be held at 7 PM on their corresponding dates and registration is currently ongoing.

Since Killgo’s appointment as Director, he hopes to reach more of the community by holding events that are not only active-based, but also fun for the whole family. 

“I want to try to bring it all back. I see how these events go and how much fun people have. The sports are not as competitive, it’s just people trying to have a good time and hang out.”