105 results total, viewing 81 - 100
In honor of National Donut Day, The Salvation Army of Pampa partnered with Harvester Donuts to deliver donuts to the community’s first responders. The tradition of delivering donuts is a … more
AUSTIN – Memorial Day is just days away and that means kids are getting out of school, the days are getting longer and more people are hitting the road. The Texas Department of Public Safety … more
Christian Aguilar, a fifth grader from Lamar Elementary was awarded for his heroic act. The Amarillo PD and Pampa PD both praised him for what he’d done to help his brother, and potentially … more
Friday, May 12th, Pampa Police Department hosted Amarillo Police Department for their monthly training for the motor officers. This was the second time Pampa hosted Amarillo, most often held in … more
LEVELLAND – South Plains College recently honored the fall 2022 Basic Peace Officer graduates during a ceremony on May 10 (Wednesday) in the Sundown Room. The members of the graduating … more
On Wednesday, May 3rd deputies from the Gray County Sheriff’s Office witnessed two individuals fighting. One of the individuals had an outstanding warrant. When deputies attempted to apprehend … more
There has been an accident on West Kentucky street and a power line has been knocked down. Pampa Fire Department, Pampa Police Department, DPS and Xcel are all working together to get things back … more
Constables have the oldest law enforcement position in the world. On March 5th, 1823, Constable Thomas Alley was appointed in Stephen F. Austin’s original colony, and sworn in by Judge John … more
The Gray County Commissioner’s Court met Friday the 14th for a regularly scheduled meeting. Commissioner Arrington was absent from the meeting. The meeting opening with Commissioner Baggerman … more
The Gray County Sheriff’s Office recently partook in a Law Enforcement Man tracker Course taught by Spearpoint Group. Spearpoint Group is a professional organization that offers training … more
Get the hoop on the upcoming Boots versus Badges Charity Basketball Game. In this year’s game, the Pampa Firefighters Association will face off against the Pampa Police Department, the Gray … more
Friday morning, March 31, at roughly 4:00 am Pampa Fire Department was dispatched to 800 East Foster on a structure fire. Pampa Fire Department responded with eight (8) units and twenty (20) … more
FRITCH, TX – Fire managers will start the implementation of prescribed burns at Lake Meredith National Recreation Area beginning Friday, March 24, 2023, through Monday, March 27, 2023 . The … more
At 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, February 16, 2023, Texas death row inmate Henry Skinner (#999143), age 60, was pronounced deceased at Hospital Galveston. Skinner had a significant medical event on … more
Vehicle 1, a 2006 Nissan Titan, was eastbound on County Road D. The driver of Vehicle 1 was traveling at an unsafe speed for the condition of the roadway (dirt road). Vehicle 1 entered a soft side … more
According to Texas Department of Criminal Justice, the execution date for Henry “Hank” Skinner is September 13th. Skinner, who has been in custody for more than 27 years, was convicted … more
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