City commission approves re-zoning for coffee shop


The City of Pampa Commissioners met on Monday afternoon for a regularly-scheduled meeting. Commissioner Karen McLain was absent for the meeting.

After the opening formalities, there was a public hearing for the rezoning of a lot for Darlene Pero and CJ Real Estate request to rezone from Single Family 2 Residential to

Commercial, Lot 5, Block 40, of the Fraser Addition of the City of Pampa, Texas, commonly known as 1617 Coffee. The applicants are requesting this rezone for the purpose of the construction of a new coffee shop.

Code Enforcement Officer Cary Rushing told the commissioners the Planning and Zoning Commission passed the item unanimously 7-0 and there were two letters from the public approving the item and one letter opposing it. One speaker came and spoke against it at the P&Z meeting.

“It’s a pretty simple change,” Rushing said. “It’s going on the west side of the property, and is commercial on the vacant lot of Hobart Street. The property to the north is zoned office and the properties to the south and east are remaining single-family.”

Rushing said there is a house that sits on the property and should the item pass the City Commission, they would remove the house and put in an overflow/employee parking lot on that lot to service the coffee shop.

Mayor Brad Pingel asked why those who spoke against it were opposed to the rezoning, to which Rushing said it was traffic and taxes.

Matt Jameson of CJ Real Estate said it’s a 2,000-square-foot coffee shop with the majority of the parking and traffic running along Hobart Street. The lot they are purchasing is to add parking. There are about 20 parking spaces adjacent to the building itself, but the rest are in the rezoned lot.

“This parking that we would be rezoning the parcel for is for employee and/or overflow parking,” Jameson said. “We don’t expect it to be heavy traffic. It’s one-way traffic going southbound that would empty onto 17th Street to get it out of residential as quickly as possible.”

Pingel asked if there would still be the alley-way and Rushing confirmed there would still be an alley-way. 

Pingel and the Commission all spoke in favor of the item and passed it unanimously.

The following items were also approved:

• Minutes of the October 13, 2020 Regular Commission Meeting as presented.

• Excuse the absence of Commissioner Karen McLain from the Oct. 13, 2020 Regular Commission Meeting.

• Adopting Resolution No. R20-028, a Resolution by the City Commission

• Adopting Executive Order GA-32 and extending to November 23, 2020 the City of Pampa’s Declaration of Local Disaster.

• Adopting on second and final reading Ordinance No. 1740, an Ordinance by the City Commission amending the revenues and the appropriations for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, 2019 and ending Sept. 30, 2020.

• Approving on first reading Ordinance No. 1741, an Ordinance by the City

• Act on approved the List of Disbursements dated September 2020.