Earth’s Darkest Days, Blinded By The LIGHT!


In the northern hemisphere, the latter days of December mark the darkest days of every year. The darkest day of the year, the Winter Solstice, usually falls on December 21 or 22, but on rare occasions can fall on 20 or 23. In the northern hemisphere the day marks the 24-hour period with the fewest daylight hours of the year. That is why it is known as the shortest day of the year, or the longest night of the year; Earth’s darkest day.

Have you ever considered the amazing uniqueness of the celebration of the birth of the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, the SON OF GOD, falling during those darkest days? What a message from heaven.

Each year in the midst of Earth’s darkness, God sends out a heavenly text, a stunning email of light, a thread of hope, to BLIND THE DARKNESS and DRAW THE LOST TO HIS SON. And this happens every year when we celebrate the BIRTH OF THE SAVIOR ON CHRISTMAS DAY.

Having just endured that darkest day, it is now time, on the brightest day, to CELEBRATE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Make sure, when your family gathers for your Christmas celebration, that you tell the story of the coming of GOD’S SON to redeem humanity. Tell them how the days of darkness are defeated by the LIGHT named JESUS. Merry CHRISTmas and God bless you and yours.

Mike Sublett is a pastor at Hi-Land Christian Church, 1615 N. Banks St., Pampa, Texas 79065. Email him at