Pampa Dental Arts, PLLC, to host Halloween candy buy-back Nov. 1


Pampa Dental Arts will be buying leftover Halloween candy for $2 per pound on Nov. 1 at their office located at 2427 North Hobart from 3:30 until 5 p.m. for Operation Gratitude. 

Operation Gratitude is a nationwide group of volunteers that collect candy for redistribution to civil servants.

“Last year, they collected more than 440,000 pounds of candy. They distribute it to US troops, veterans and first responders,” said Kathleen Day, receptionist for Pampa Dental Arts, PLLC.

“What we will do is collect the candy from whoever brings it in. We will give the kids $2 per pound for their candy and will collect any candy donations from adults.

“Then we collect it all into boxes and we send it to Operation Gratitude. They will distribute (the candy) from there.”

This will be their 11th year to participate in the program.

“This will be the first year for Drs. Chris and Diana Mohr to do the candy buyback. Before it was Dr. Johnson, he retired back in November (of last year),” said Day.

“We are all pretty excited about it.”

Those who wish to sell or donate their leftover Halloween candy are encouraged to show up in costume.

For more information about Pampa Dental Arts, PLLC or the Halloween candy buy-back, you can go online to their Facebook page, call them at 806-665-0921 or visit their location at 2427 North Hobart. For more information about Operation Gratitude, visit