Salvation Army taking Angel Tree Applications


The Salvation Army in Pampa will be taking Angel Tree applications until Nov. 4 from citizens of Gray County. 

“Angel Tree is for children who would not have Christmas any other way. Their parents come in and apply, and we write their needs down on a (paper) angel. We hang those angels on our tree at Walmart,” said Diana Withers, the director of Pampa’s Salvation Army.

The holidays are a struggle for some parents financially. The Salvation Army helps these struggling parents to provide Christmas for their children.

“We want the children to have something to open on Christmas day,” says Withers. 

“People will pick up the angels (from the Angel Tree) at Walmart and go shopping for the angel. The kids will put down a toy that they want as well as things like clothing, coats and pajamas. That way we provide for some of their needs as well as their wants.”

“After people finish shopping, they bring the items up here for us to organize and give away. Sometimes people will only buy the toy, so we will put that angel back on the tree to try and get some of the other stuff they need before the deadline.”

The Salvation Army will do the last of the shopping from their own budget in order to make sure the children get exactly what they need. 

They will also be taking applications for the Optimist Club’s Children’s Shopping Tour at the same time they are taking applications for the Angel Tree.

“We sign the children up and then they go shopping for their family with a volunteer. The volunteer that goes shopping with the child also shops for that child, that way everyone in the family gets something. They can only go one time, and it is for children 5 years old to 10 years old,” says Withers.

The Salvation Army is currently in need of cash donations from the community. They are also in need of food donations and personal hygiene products. Please find it in your heart to donate if you are able.

Dates to apply for Angel Tree:

• Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

• Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

• Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

• Nov. 4 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

What you will need to bring:

• Valid Texas photo ID for all adults in the househld

• Social security cards for all members of the household

• Birth certificates for all children in the household

• Proof of income – pay stubs, SSI, TANF, child support, alimony-award letters from Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, HUD, Housing Authority, etc.

• Current original bills – gas, electric, water, phone, cable, cell phone, car payment, insurance, loan payments, etc.

• Rental/lease agreement or mortgage documents

• Please bring a translator if you do not speak English

For more information about the Salvation Army, Angel Tree, the Children’s Tour or to donate, please call 806-665-7233 or visit their location at 701 South Cuyler.