Say I love you


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

This past week Vicki went to Oklahoma on Thursday to visit with Candice, Camryn and Timothy. On Friday she headed to Tulsa so she could watch our niece, Hannah, play soccer on Saturday morning. She had a great time and loved every minute.

When she got home on Saturday we called Trae and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him. I still can’t believe that he is 22 years old. I can still remember him as a baby! It is simply amazing how fast the time has gone by and how old he is!

But Vicki did something while she was gone that I want to share with you. She sent a group text out and told about a song that she had just listened to on Enlighten. She told us to pull it up and listen to it. Then she said, “Love y’all! Have a fantastic Friday! This was followed by three hearts. Everyone responded with ‘I love y’all’.

The song was by Jim Brady and the title is “Don’t Ever Miss the Chance to Say I Love You”. It was written in memory of a loved one who had passed away. I won’t share all the words to the song, but let me share the chorus with you ---

“Don’t ever miss the chance to say ‘I Love You’, Show the ones you love how you feel inside, Cherish every moment while you still have time, we don’t always get to say ‘good-bye’, so don’t every miss the chance to say I love you.”

This took me back to the day my Dad passed. I didn’t get a chance to say good-bye to him or be there when he passed. My heart broke, but I was reminded that just a couple of hours before he passed I talked with him on the phone and was able to tell him that I loved him.

I talked with Vicki a little while after getting the text and I did tell her that I love her. At times I have taken it for granted that she is going to always be around. But after getting that text and listening to that song, I don’t ever want to miss the chance to tell her that I love her.

Paul told the church in Ephesus in Ephesians 5:1-2 – “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2 and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.”

I believe that the love Christ had for us was fully revealed as He hung on Calvary’s tree. I may not have been standing there that day, but I believe I was in His sight. With arms out stretched, He said, ‘I love you.’

It is important to make sure that we ‘don’t ever miss the chance to say I love you’ to those God has brought into our lives. We must let that love be shared. But don’t ever forget to tell Jesus how thankful you are that He loved you enough to die for you.

1 John 4:7 says – “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” As you are walking through the days ahead don’t forget to say I love you! It might be the last time you get to say it to a family member or a friend.

People are leaving this life and we are separated from them -- so don’t ever miss the chance to tell them you love them. Thank God for the love He has extended to you through Christ. And don’t miss the chance to tell Him that you love Him.

You don’t have to look around for some way to share with those you love, just say I love you.

JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, there IS something about that name!!

Christ only, always,

Bro. Paul

Brother Paul Nachtigall is the preacher at Highland Baptist Church. He can be reached at