Unfraid to Get Their Hands Dirty

Pampa FFA Adopts a Highway


For the first time, members of the Pampa FFA chapter adopted two miles of road located on Highway 60 as a way to build leadership, serve the community and help keep Pampa beautiful.

“We were just thinking of something we could do as a service to the community and we threw around a bunch of ideas,” Pampa FFA Agriculture Teacher Alan Parker said.

“I happened to drive past the Adopt-A-Highway sign by the old Dyer’s building and made a call and they got us signed up and got it ready for us.”

“We’re looking forward to doing our part to help the community and for Pampa.”

Because the winters in the Texas Panhandle are anything but cooperative and with the upcoming FFA shows, Parker and his students plan to get their hands dirty after Spring break.

The Pampa News would like to thank the Pampa FFA chapter for showing exceptional leadership and pride in our community