A little history about a VFW Auxiliary, as stated from the vfwauxiliary.org site:
“Established in 1914, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States Auxiliary set out to serve the veterans of this country and our communities in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform. The VFW Auxiliary is one of the nation’s oldest veterans’ service organizations and our members are the relatives of those who served in a location of foreign conflict. Nearly 470,000 members in more than 3,500 Auxiliaries nationwide, plus three foreign-based Auxiliaries, volunteer millions of hours and fundraise millions of dollars for charitable projects that benefit veterans, military service personnel and their families. Through our National Programs we assist the VFW to pass or block legislation that impacts veterans and their families, provide nearly a million volunteer hours in the VA medical system, conduct patriotic programs with thousands of students and offer hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships for our nation’s youth.”
VFW Post 1657 Ladies Auxiliary, Pampa, Texas was chartered in October 1935. Until 2015 women were the only gender to be allowed into the group. By vote, the by-law was amended with the name being changed to VFW Auxiliary, then allowing men to become members.
Throughout this charter’s history, it has strived to uphold the purpose and goals of the organization. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 105 S. Cuyler, Pampa, Texas, in the upstairs meeting room. There is a handbook with protocol to maintain continuity for all meetings. Within the structure of the meeting there is a Holy Bible used.
The Bible was given to the Auxiliary in February 1946 by Vada Lee Humphrey, District 9 President. Due to wear of the white cover and brittle spine of the Bible, a motion was made and passed to retire it in May 2022.
As a gift to the Auxiliary, the out-going President, Cavin Coleman, a Life-Member of the Auxiliary, offered to purchase and gift a new Bible for the Auxiliary’s meeting use. Jim Willett, also a Life-Member, arranged for a family member, George Moseley, to construct an enclosed case for a wall-mounted display. Currently, it is hung on the north wall of the main hall of the VFW Post, for all to view and appreciate.
If interested in Auxiliary Membership here is a link to print the form and bring to the Post.